Photographer, Bristol UK

Blog Posts

Blog posts by Craig Pitts Photography

New Year, New Website, New Goals

Hey guys!

It’s that time again to post another one of those ‘sorry I’ve not been posting much’ updates but in fairness 2020 turned out to be an absolutely dire year for me (and most other people)…But anyway, towards the tail end of 2020 I started to sort my proverbial s**t out and here we are at the start of 2021 with the year ahead.

I’ve just updated the site again, it should be a lot more slick, minimal and easy to find things and the aim is to keep it that way, continually updating the portfolio section as I create new and hopefully more epic content.

The other goal is to keep this blog updated, something that’s I’ve failed to do on many occasions.

So bear with me whilst I catch up on some older posts and stick around for what I hope to be a much better year to come.

Thanks for the support.


Craig Pitts